Balancing Brevity and Beauty in Writing: Avoiding Overly Ornate Language

3 min read

writing brevity, beautiful writing, how to avoid ornate language
writing brevity, beautiful writing, how to avoid ornate language

The Importance of Balancing Brevity and Beauty in Writing

As writers, we are constantly faced with the challenge of finding the right balance between brevity and beauty in our language. On one hand, we want to convey our ideas concisely and efficiently. On the other hand, we want our writing to be engaging, captivating, and filled with a sense of artistry. Striking this balance is crucial for creating impactful and memorable pieces of writing.

Avoiding Overly Ornate Language

One common pitfall that writers often fall into is the use of overly ornate language. While it may be tempting to showcase our extensive vocabulary and linguistic prowess, using overly complex and flowery language can actually hinder the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the text.

When we use excessively ornate language, we risk alienating our readers and making our writing feel pretentious or inaccessible. This is especially true for readers who are not familiar with the specific jargon or terminology we may be using. Instead of enhancing the beauty of our writing, overly ornate language can detract from its message and purpose.

The Logic Behind Avoiding Overly Ornate Language

There is a logical reason behind the need to avoid overly ornate language in our writing. Effective communication requires clarity and simplicity. By using plain and straightforward language, we ensure that our message is easily understood by a wide range of readers.

When we simplify our language, we eliminate any unnecessary barriers that may prevent our readers from fully engaging with our writing. This allows our ideas to shine through and ensures that our message is conveyed effectively.

Masterfully Balancing Brevity and Beauty

So, how can we masterfully balance brevity and beauty in our writing? Whether you're a new writer just starting out or a seasoned writer looking to refine your skills, here are some tips to help you achieve this delicate balance:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial when it comes to finding the right balance in your writing. Consider who will be reading your work and tailor your language accordingly. If you're writing for a general audience, it's best to keep your language clear and concise. However, if you're writing for a specialized audience, you may be able to use more technical or industry-specific terms.

2. Use Active Voice

Active voice is more direct and engaging than passive voice. By using active voice, you can convey your ideas in a more concise and powerful manner. It adds a sense of immediacy and impact to your writing, making it more engaging for your readers.

3. Cut Out Unnecessary Words

When editing your writing, be ruthless in cutting out unnecessary words. Look for redundancies, wordy phrases, and filler words that can be eliminated without sacrificing the meaning of your sentences. This will help you streamline your writing and make it more concise.

4. Use Metaphors and Similes

Adding metaphors and similes to your writing can inject beauty and creativity into your language without sacrificing brevity. These literary devices can evoke vivid imagery and emotions, making your writing more memorable and engaging.

5. Read Widely

One of the best ways to improve your writing and find inspiration for balancing brevity and beauty is to read widely. Expose yourself to different styles and genres of writing, and pay attention to how authors use language to convey their ideas effectively. This will help you develop your own unique voice and style.

6. Edit, Edit, Edit

Editing is an essential part of the writing process. After you've finished your first draft, go back and carefully review your work. Look for any areas where your language may be overly ornate or convoluted, and make the necessary revisions. Remember, brevity and beauty can be achieved through careful refinement and polishing of your writing.


Finding the right balance between brevity and beauty in writing is a skill that all writers strive to master. By avoiding overly ornate language and focusing on clear and concise communication, we can create writing that is both impactful and enjoyable for our readers. Remember to know your audience, use active voice, cut out unnecessary words, incorporate metaphors and similes, read widely, and edit diligently. With practice and dedication, you can achieve the perfect balance between brevity and beauty in your writing.