The Writer's Toolkit: Essential Software and Resources for Authors

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The Writer's Toolkit: Essential Software and Resources for Authors
The Writer's Toolkit: Essential Software and Resources for Authors


As an author, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference in your writing process. From word processors to plot development tools, there are numerous software and resources available that can enhance your creativity and productivity. In this blog post, we will review the latest software, apps, and online resources that every writer should consider adding to their toolkit. We will discuss the benefits of each tool and provide tips on how to integrate them effectively into your writing routine.

Word Processors

A good word processor is the foundation of any writer's toolkit. While there are many options available, two popular choices among authors are Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a versatile word processor that offers a wide range of features specifically designed for writers. Its user-friendly interface, spell-checking capabilities, and formatting options make it a reliable choice for authors of all genres. Additionally, its track changes feature is particularly useful for collaborating with editors and receiving feedback on your work.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a cloud-based word processor that offers real-time collaboration and automatic saving. This makes it an excellent choice for writers who work with others or prefer to access their work from multiple devices. With Google Docs, you can easily share your documents with others, leave comments, and receive feedback in real-time.

Grammar and Editing Tools

Good writing is not just about creativity; it's also about grammar and proper editing. Fortunately, there are several software and online resources available to help you polish your writing.


Grammarly is a popular online writing assistant that checks your writing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors. It offers both a free and premium version, with the premium version providing more advanced features such as vocabulary enhancement suggestions and genre-specific writing style checks. Grammarly can be integrated into your browser, word processor, or used as a standalone web application.

Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor is a unique tool that helps you simplify your writing and make it more readable. It highlights complex sentences, unnecessary adverbs, and passive voice to improve the clarity and impact of your writing. The Hemingway Editor is available as a web application and desktop app, allowing you to work offline and save your work locally.

Plot Development Tools

Developing a compelling plot is crucial for captivating your readers. These tools can help you brainstorm ideas, organize your plot, and ensure a cohesive storyline.


Scrivener is a powerful writing software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for planning, organizing, and writing your novel or screenplay. It allows you to create virtual index cards, outline your story, and easily navigate between different sections. Scrivener also offers a distraction-free writing mode, making it easier to focus on your work without any distractions.


Plottr is a visual outlining and storyboarding tool designed specifically for authors. It allows you to create timelines, plot points, character arcs, and more, all in a user-friendly interface. With Plottr, you can easily visualize your story's structure and ensure that all the elements come together seamlessly.

Research and Reference Tools

Accurate research and proper referencing are essential for creating authentic and credible stories. These tools can assist you in conducting research, organizing your findings, and citing your sources.


Evernote is a note-taking app that allows you to capture and organize your research notes, ideas, and inspirations in one place. You can create different notebooks, add tags to your notes, and easily search for specific information. Evernote also syncs across all your devices, ensuring that your research is accessible wherever you go.


Zotero is a free, open-source reference management tool that helps you collect, organize, and cite your sources. It allows you to save web pages, PDFs, and other documents, and automatically generates citations in various citation styles. Zotero also offers cloud syncing, making it easy to access your references from different devices.

Writing Communities and Resources

Being part of a writing community can provide valuable support, feedback, and inspiration. These online communities and resources are ideal for connecting with fellow writers and expanding your knowledge.


Wattpad is a popular online platform for writers and readers. It allows you to share your stories, receive feedback from a global community, and discover new works by other authors. Wattpad also offers writing contests, writing prompts, and writing courses to help you improve your craft.

Writing Excuses Podcast

The Writing Excuses Podcast is a valuable resource for writers of all levels. Hosted by a group of published authors, each episode covers a different aspect of the writing process, from brainstorming to editing. The podcast also features interviews with industry professionals and provides practical tips and advice to help you become a better writer.


Having the right software and resources can significantly enhance your writing process and help you produce high-quality work. From word processors to grammar and editing tools, plot development tools, research and reference tools, and writing communities, there are numerous options available to cater to every writer's needs. Experiment with different tools and find the ones that work best for you. Remember, the key is to integrate them effectively into your writing routine and use them as aids to unleash your creativity and productivity.